Support The American Beethoven Society
Make a Difference: Your Contribution Matters. All contributions are tax-deductible.

Not ready to join?
We welcome your one-time donation to support The American Beethoven Society.
Please send your donation to:
The American Beethoven Society
San Jose State University
One Washington Square,
San Jose, CA, 95192-0171, USA

Become a part of the American Beethoven Society for exclusive benefits:
- Beethoven Newsletter subscription
- Invitations to significant Beethoven festivals
- First preference on tours
- Discounts on Beethoven Center merchandise
- Non-profit gift tax deduction
- Special event announcements

Beethoven Gateway
Help us build our digital collections by sponsoring an image, manuscript, or music edition.
Sponsorships in honor or memory of loved ones are also available. To explore sponsorship opportunities, see the Beethoven Center’s website at: https://www.sjsu.edu/beethoven/about-us/support/index.php
Other Donor Opportunities
Donating Materials
The Beethoven Center welcomes donations of Beethoven materials under the following circumstances:
- The materials are in reasonably good condition.
- Materials duplicated in the Center’s collection may be sold.
- The donor covers cost of mailing and insurance when applicable.
- If an appraisal is needed, the donor arranges this in advance of delivery of the materials. The Beethoven Center cannot place values on materials or pay for appraisals. Exceptions may be made for large collections.
Donations should be sent to the Beethoven Center to the Curator’s attention and include an explanatory cover letter with name, address, phone number, and email address of the donor. In the cover letter, please provide as much information as possible on the provenance or history of the material if applicable. Donations of large collections should be discussed with the Curator in advance.
Beethoven Manuscript Club
Help the Beethoven Center build its rare collections by joining the Beethoven Manuscript Club. Members of the club will be contacted when the Beethoven Center receives a special offer or is attempting to bid for a Beethoven manuscript, first edition, or other treasure at auction.
To join the club, download the Beethoven Manuscript Club Membership Form [pdf] or contact us for more information.
Planned gifts can provide you an immediate income tax, charitable deduction, and steady cash flow during your lifetime.
To find out more on how to benefit the Center through a bequest, charitable gift annuity, or charitable remainder trust, please download our Beethoven Center Planned Giving [pdf] brochure.
Give While
You Shop!
You also can help support The American Beethoven Society through iGive.com, a service that allows Internet shoppers to direct a portion of their purchase to the American Beethoven Society.
Beethoven Center Funding
Since its inception in 1985, the Beethoven Center has received essential support from San José State University, ensuring the continuation of its valuable programs. The American Beethoven Society further bolsters these efforts by backing initiatives like the publication of The Beethoven Journal and The Beethoven Newsletter, acquisitions of rare materials, scholarly research, and more.
Our projects continue to thrive thanks to grants from various foundations, including the Eva B. Buck Trust, the Compton Foundation, the Farrington Historical Foundation, the Hugh Stuart Center Charitable Trust, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Your participation, support, and involvement are vital to our mission’s success. Together, we preserve and celebrate Beethoven’s legacy for generations to come.